Novice Leagues 2022.23
We now have 5 novice leagues aimed at new curlers.
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday's at 8:15pm, Friday at 8:30, Sundays at 1:00(not-so-novice).
They are 10 week leagues that run October to Christmas or January to March.
Games are 6 ends and take about an hour and a half.
Cost is $635 a team per 10 weeks.
Regular curling rules apply except for the following:
All games will be 6 ends, ties will NOT be broken except in playoffs.
Each team may consist of 6 players, only 4 may be on the ice at any given time, but substitutions may be made during the game, but only between ends.
If a substitution is made a player may move into any position and the team may rotate positions.
Changing the rotation of play is permitted after the completion of each end.